Jamu Range Spa Product – Jasmine Lulur

ImageThe fragrant Lulur recipe originates in the royal palaces of Central Java, Indonesia. The female member of the royal palace perform luxurious body treatments before the wedding night of a royalty relatives, this cleansing Lulur ritual is similar with body scrubbing  technique that softens the skin after its application and leaves a subtle Jasmine fragrance.

Jasmine Lulur range is made of Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza), Tamarind Seeds, Pounded Rice and infused with Jasmine Oil. The psychological effect from this treatment is exotic and uplifting feeling with a floral ending.

To make your Jasmine Lulur Scrub, blend lulur powder and water to make a paste, then add a few drops of Jasmine oil, apply a thin layer over the body and gently rub the skin until the paste falls off. Cleanse and shower afterwards.

Jasmine Lulur Essential Oil is made of pure Organic Essential Oil of Turmeric Fragrant and Oil of Jasmine. Therefore, the topical use of this oil is prohibited during pregnancy. Jasmine Lulur Essential Oil is not to be applied to the skin undiluted and not to be taken internally.

Jasmine Flower Massage Oil is made with pressed cold virgin coconut oil while jasmine Flower Body Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner and Shower Gel made from natural base with Jasmine Oil and Organic Turmeric Essential Oil and are suitable for all skin types.

Integrating Medicine into SPA

Medi-Spa, or the so called Medical Spa, is a facility that operates under the full-time,  on-site supervision of a licensed health care professional. The facility operates within the scope of practice of its staff, and offers traditional, complementary, and alternative health practices and treatments in a spa-like setting.

(Def. by International Medical Spa Association).

 A broader definition of medi-spa provided by ISPA is “a facility that operates under a full-time, onsite supervision of a licensed health care professional whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive medical and wellness care in an environment that integrates spa services, as well as traditional, complimentary and / or alternative therapies and treatments. The facility operates within the scope of practice of its staff, which can include both aesthetic, cosmetic, prevention or wellness procedures or services.

(Def. by International Spa Association)

Over the last decade there has been a paradigm shift in medical practice. We are now seeing; healthcare facilities start to embrace new understanding of integrative, comprehensive, complementary and holistic care into standard conventional medical approaches.  Current paradigm of medical practice has also shift from “a more curative to preventive”

Medi-spa is not a new thing. In Europe, such as Germany, France, Switzerland, etc, medispa have been tradition for decades or even centuries. The site is basically a place with medical supervision combined with hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, rest, relaxation, and some mild bodywork to strengthen health and assist recovery from disease and suffering.

 Nowadays, Medi-spa can be a centre that promotes health, mind-body and spa integration therapies, rejuvenation, cosmetic interventions, and many health approaches which seem less likely to be provided in hospital and clinic settings. Moreover, combining all these facilities into one domain under one roof of tranquility, relaxing, luxurious, and aesthetically pleasant environment is appealing to anyone form different range of ages.

Modern medispa also harbor various health professionals under one theme of environment providing services which may vary from therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC), cosmeceuticals, skin care, aesthetic procedures, aesthetic dentistry, anti-aging, naturopathy, nutrition therapy, herbalism, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc.

An ideal medispa targets comprehensive personalized wellness and lifestyle. In which, the holistic wellness & rejuvenating programs enable health maintenance, weight management, blood pressure lowering, blood sugar and cholesterol level control, achieving optimal physical and emotional fitness, slowing down the effects of aging process. Spa treatments that integrate sounds, aromas, and touch are pampering, but also have beneficial effects in reducing stress and cortisol levels, improving blood circulation, pacing up metabolism, and releasing the endorphine hormone.

Medispa combine beauty and health as well as promoting anti-aging medicine. We may also see the spa combined with the function of medical clinic. The medispa provides a relaxing atmosphere between clinical procedures and luxury. Medispa can also offer the opportunity to detox and embark on cleansing diet thus creating health and beauty from inside out.

Below  are some common forms of medispa and range of services they provide:

1. The combination of dermatologist, aesthetic or anti aging physicians that integrate their services with massage and other body treatment (spa treatments), nutritional advice, exercise and lifestyle counseling with emphasis on anti aging  principles.

(Non-Invasive Clinical Procedure + Spa Treatments)

2. Orthopedic surgeons who specialize in hip and knee surgery, orthodontist or dentists who provide aesthetic dentistry, cosmetic surgeon may benefit from integration of their program, spa treatments and post-operative care to assist recovery and healing.

(Invasive Clinical Procedure + Spa Treatments)

3.Wellness centre that includes spa, which is primarily lifestyle based. Usually offered programs constituted in a period of time which consists of nutrition, exercise, lifestyle education, which focus is the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, etc. these programs are usually incorporated with spa treatments such as body massage, aromatherapy, etc, to help lower the blood pressure, reduce stress level and boost the immune systems.

(Wellness + Spa Treatments)

 4. Health destination spas or resorts, which combine spa treatment and lifestyle management under medical supervision. Where people usually stay there for certain period of time, following a thorough and comprehensive lifestyle program brought together with lifestyle coaching, medical services, diet and nutrition medically tailored, as well as capacitated cleansing and detoxification program. All those services are provided within the luxury and relaxing ambience of resorts and spas.

(Health Resort).

The emerging need for people to go for healthcare beyond the merely conventional medical concerns has raised the importance and credit for holistic healing art of body-mind therapy involving touch, aroma, sound, rest and relaxation, healthy eating, spa treatments, lifestyle management. It is obvious that integrating these with medical and surgical procedures will enhance recovery and promote wellness.

By Hendry Luis, MD

Facts about Vit C Injection

If you intend to go for Vitamin C injections, you should know further the following facts, so you can get maximum benefits from them.

Image1. Injectable vitamin C bioavailability is high enough in the blood and will be absorbed into various organs; only partial amount will be delivered to the skin, so that its effectiveness can vary in each person.

2. Vitamin C injection is often used as adjunct therapy to other skin care for maximal result of skin health and beauty. Yet the best maintenance and rejuvenation of skin to stay supple and smooth, which could give maximum results are topical therapies (any means of direct therapy to the skin from the outside).

3. Meeting the need for vitamin C can be accomplished by eating fruits and vegetables, injections, and supplements. Each way has its own advantages and disadvantages. Through vitamin C injection, the body can obtain optimal doses directly into the blood. In contrast, although the dose is not high, by eating food or fruits rich in vitamin C, the body get other vitamins and nutrients (such as, vitamin E, A, etc.) which can strengthen the work of vitamin C. Supplementation of vitamin C is best given in combination with vitamins and other nutrients.

4. Before the injection of vitamin C, you should make sure that the patient’s kidney and liver function is normal, and no history of allergy to the vitamin. Kidney and liver function influences the absorption of vit C.

5. Injection of vitamin C with doses of 2-5 g intravenously (through blood vessels), can be done once a week or longer intervals (depending on physician assessment). There is no specific standard, whether vitamin C should be given in certain intervals, in package or certain protocols, but will depend more on the need and indication.

Results of vitamin C injections will vary in each individual. Therapy should be discontinued if side effects appear or if the results are not significant. The effectiveness of therapy can be seen from the skin become firmer, softer, and brighter after getting this treatment within a certain time.

6. Vitamin C is quite safe to use for most people. Should there be complaints, they are usually arises as mild diarrhea and bloating symptom. Concerns that high dose vitamin C can cause kidney stones is not relevant because it doesn’t correspond to many scientific finding. Therapy with vitamin C didn’t cause the formation of kidney stones. Even given up to 10 grams per day did not show signs of kidney stone formation.

ImageEven so, after the injection of high doses of vitamin C, a person is recommended to drink plenty of water, since vitamin C somehow has the property of diuretic (induce more  urination). Last notably matter is; the presence of high doses of vitamin C in the body can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, such as selenium (a mineral element essential for the body), and copper (essential  for an enzyme involved in the absorption of iron), thus the body needs to get additional supplements of these nutrients.

(Hendry, MD – Jamu Medical Spa – Holistic Wellness Clinic)

Injections of Vitamin C, is that safe?

ImageHave you ever thought of having routine vitamin C treatment? Injecting vitamins can prevent us from various diseases. Is that true? The explanation below can give us a  better answer.

Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate is an essential nutrient that functions as a vitamin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant; it protects the body against oxidative stress. It is also a cofactor in at least eight enzymatic reactions, including several collagen synthesis reactions that cause the most severe symptoms of scurvy when they are dysfunctional.

The richest natural sources are fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is the most widely taken nutritional supplement and is available in a variety of forms, including tablets, drink mixes, crystals in capsules or naked crystals.  Consumption of vitamin C rich food accounts for almost 200 mg of its intake.

Typically, these vitamins are given orally at a dose of 500 mg to 1 gram per day. This is to complement the amount obtained from food. The direct administration of vitamin C through the bloodstream can increase its bioavailability up to 100 percent and 6.6 folds higher than the mean peak level of oral administration. Oral administration cannot reach high optimal levels in the bloodstream for it has limitation in absorption from the gut, partial degradation and metabolism.

ImageDoses of vitamin C injection are usually larger, and can range from 1 gram to 10 grams per day. The indications of Vitamin C injections also vary. Various studies suggest vitamin C at the dose of 10 grams administered intravenously can kill cancer cells, but did not disrupt healthy cells.  Such results cannot be attained by oral administration of Vitamin C at the same dose due to its far lower bioavailability. The use of intravenous vitamin C in cancer treatment is still in research stage. Intravenous vitamin c is expected to have lower toxicity comparing to conventional chemotherapeutic agents.  Vitamin C in larger doses do not cause significant side effects in patients without prior impaired renal function.  Smaller doses of injected Vitamin C usually aim for skin lightening, skin health, antioxidant, disease prevention, health and wellness.

That’s why it is important for those who are interested in having vitamin C injection to consult  a well informed physician to assists them in making  a good consideration pertaining  each indications, doses and frequency of administration.

(Hendry, MD – The Wellness Clinic)

Beautiful Thanks to Vit C

ImageVitamin C doesn’t only make the body fit and prevent many diseases, but also make the skin healthy and beautiful. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of collagen, antioxidants, anti-aging, inhibits melanin formation, and strengthening the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) these all make the skin firmer, tender, and smooth.

However, vitamin C is not produced by our body so as to meet the needs of these vitamins you should eat foods rich in vitamin C or supplements (available in tablets, capsules, liquids, powders or injection). From the outside, vitamin C can work directly on the skin in the form of a topical cream or serum. Another option is through the injection of vitamin C. The latter is much in demand as it is considered to immediately and directly give effect to the body.  Still, not everyone gives the same reaction after the injection of vitamin C. If the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin C injected directly into a vein, then the benefits of vitamin C obtained was not optimal.

Basically, an adult requirement for vitamin C is approximately 60 mg per day.  This is the minimum daily need to prevent vitamin C deficiency. However higher doses is needed for optimal benefits to the body. Here are 5 major benefits of vitamin C for skin health:

1.         As antioxidant that can protect the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals due to exposure to sunlight (UV), pollution, and cigarette. Radicals from Smoking are one of the causes of dull skin.

2. As the anti-aging (towards early aging), because vitamin C can stimulate the growth of fibroblast cells in the inner skin, in addition to increasing collagen production. Thus, the skin can remain supple, toned, and less facial premature wrinkles.

3. Giving a direct effect in stimulating the formation of collagen in the skin. Thus high doses of vitamin C can accelerate wound healing or recovery process after treatment. Patients usually feel more refreshed and fit (because vitamin C strengthens the immune system) and in some patients the skin also appears brighter.

4. Reduces spots due to premature aging of the skin by inhibiting melanin formation.

5.         Prevent the occurrence of bruising in the skin by strengthening the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries).

Note: The benefits of vitamin C in the skin (as mentioned above) occur when the levels of vitamin C that reaches the skin is in sufficient concentration.

 (Hendry, MD – The Wellness Clinic)